can i take 2 prenatal vitamins a day

Is it Bad to Take 2 Prenatals in One Day?

Is it Bad to Take 2 Prenatals in One Day? - Conceive Plus® Is it Bad to Take 2 Prenatals in One Day? - Conceive Plus®

Prenatal vitamins are purposefully formulated dietary supplements to support a healthy pregnancy. Mothers get nutrients like folic acid, iron, omega-3 fatty acid, and calcium from these supplements, which support both the mother and the developing baby [1].

One thing that confuses most mothers regarding prenatal vitamins is the dosage. They often find themselves asking can I take 2 prenatal vitamins a day, or is it bad to take 2 prenatals in one day? Let's explore the evidence-based answer to these questions in this article.

Conceive Plus Prenatal Supplement placed on the left while a pregnant woman in lotus position looking at the camera and a punch line is written as Nourishing Moms, once capsule at a time. Easy, Vegan, and essential

Recommended Dosage for Prenatals

Since prenatal vitamins aren't regulated by the Federal Drug Authority (FDA), there are no universal dosage guidelines regarding prenatal vitamins. This is why you will find a wide variety of nutrients in different proportions in most prenatal vitamins.

However, most prenatal vitamin brands have specific dosage instructions. Some brands recommend taking two pills per day, while others only require one. This depends on the formulation of the supplement. Some contain all the necessary nutrients in a single pill, while others split the dosage into two smaller pills you must take in a single day.

So you might ask, can I take 2 prenatal vitamins a day? If your prenatal vitamin brand suggests taking two per day, then following this guideline is perfectly safe. However, if your brand only requires one, taking an extra dose can lead to some problems, but it is rare.

What Happens if You Take Two Prenatal Vitamins by Mistake?

If you accidentally take two prenatal vitamins in one day from a brand that recommends taking a single pill per day, there is usually no need to worry. Your body can handle small excesses of most vitamins. However, consistently taking more than the recommended dose can cause problems over time.

An Asian woman holding a prenatal tablet in her index finger and thumb with the focus on her hand and a blurred face in the backgroung and a bottle and box of Conceive Plus Prenatal support in the lower right corner with it

Possible Side Effects of Taking Too Many Prenatal Vitamins

While the chances are very low that you experience side effects from just taking one accidental extra dose, regularly taking too many prenatal vitamins can lead to the following side effects:

  1. Too Much Iron

Mothers are at a higher risk of developing iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. To prevent this potential iron deficiency anemia, most prenatal vitamins contain sufficient iron. However, studies show that too much iron can cause nausea, vomiting, constipation, and stomach pain [2]. In extreme cases, excessive iron intake can lead to iron toxicity, which is dangerous.

  1. Excessive Vitamin A

Some prenatal vitamins contain high amounts of vitamin A, which is essential for fetal development. Vitamin A also supports the immune function and vision of the mother during pregnancy. However, excessive vitamin A dosage is associated with birth defects and liver toxicity [3].

  1. Digestive Discomfort

One of the most common prenatal side effects that people usually experience with overdosing any supplement is digestive discomfort [4]. Taking more than the recommended dose may cause nausea, bloating, or diarrhea. This is because some vitamins and minerals, especially in high amounts, can be hard on the stomach.

What Should You Do If You Take Two Prenatal Vitamins?

If you accidentally take an extra prenatal vitamin in one day, there is usually no need to panic. However, if you feel sick or experience symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain, drink plenty of water and monitor how you feel. If symptoms don't improve, contact your healthcare provider.

If you frequently forget whether you’ve taken your vitamin, consider using a pill organizer or setting a daily reminder to avoid double-dosing. Make sure you take your supplements in between your meals or with a full glass of water, as this lowers the risk of digestive discomfort that some people experience even with normal dosage.

a woman's hand holding bottle of Conceive Plus Prenatal Control with DHA in an ad where other benefits of prental supplement are listed with a focus on Drug-free & VEGAN FRIENDLY words

The Bottom Line

The recommended dosage of prenatal vitamins varies depending on the brand, but it often involves taking two pills a day. However, some brands recommend taking only one pill, which contains the required daily nutrient content. This is what causes confusion and raise a common question, is it bad to take 2 prenatals in one day?

In the case of such supplements, taking two pills occasionally may not result in any harmful symptoms. However, regularly exceeding the recommended dosage can lead to unwanted side effects. This is why we recommend you follow the instructions on your prenatal vitamin packaging and consult your doctor if you’re unsure.


  1. When should a woman start taking prenatal vitamins?

Experts believe it is a good idea to start prenatal vitamins when you plan to conceive and continue at least until the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. This ensures that a woman gets all the essential nutrients during pregnancy to develop a healthy child.

  1. Can I take two prenatal vitamins at once?

If the brand of your prenatal vitamin recommends taking two pills per day, they are usually formulated to be taken together or spaced out. To know exactly how to take them, check the instructions on the label.

Resources Used

  1. Adams, J. B., Kirby, J. K., Sorensen, J. C., Pollard, E. L., & Audhya, T. (2022). Evidence based recommendations for an optimal prenatal supplement for women in the US: Vitamins and related nutrients. Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology, 8, 4. 
  2. Yuen, H. W., & Becker, W. (2023). Iron toxicity. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. Retrieved from 
  3. Abadie, R. B., Staples, A. A., Lauck, L. V., Dautel, A. D., Spillers, N. J., Klapper, R. J., Hirsch, J. D., Varrassi, G., Ahmadzadeh, S., Shekoohi, S., & Kaye, A. D. (2023). Vitamin A-Mediated Birth Defects: A Narrative Review. Cureus, 15(12), e50513. 
  4. J Ronis, M. J., Pedersen, K. B., & Watt, J. (2017). ADVERSE EFFECTS OF NUTRACEUTICALS AND DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 58, 583.