Category_Success Stories
"My partner and I have been trying for a baby for over seven years, Finally i am now a mother"

- "My partner and I have been trying for a baby for over seven years, Finally i am now a mother", Sandra C, Facebook, June 2017
- "It worked for me!! 33 weeks as of today with my baby boy!!”, Laura G, Facebook, June 2017
- "This is what worked for us. Currently 12 weeks pregnant ♡♡♡ it is possible", Samantha D.B, Facebook, June 2017
- “I recommend this product. The lube is perfect for regular sex, but I do believe that's what helped me conceive for my 3rd and last time... we'd been trying for about 5 months and I found out I was pregnant at about 8dpo. Good luck! And a little bit goes a long way!!!”, Amazon Verified Review, June 2017
- “My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 8 months now, timing everything perfectly and doing everything you're supposed to do. Getting frustrated, I started wondering if it would happen for us. I decided to try this product after thinking, "it's only $20.00, what the hell." Two months later, and only 5 times of actually using this product, I just got my positive pregnancy test this morning! It really works! Thank you conceive plus!”, Amazon Verified Review, June 2017
- “True believer here!! We tried for years to get pregnant with no success. After using this product a handful of times, we will be welcoming our first child this December!!”, Josie W. Stevens, Facebook, July 2017
- “I used this with my second child and it worked great and that was after doctors saying I couldn't have anymore”, Ashley Handler, Facebook, July 2017
- “I had issues getting pregnant for a year! Used one application of this during ovulation and I just found out I am 4 weeks pregnant”, Kota Sanner, Facebook, July 2017
- “Few months trying to get pregnant and in the first time using it boom”, Karla Flores, Amazon Verified Review, July 2017
- “My husband and I tried for 6 months after a miscarriage to get pregnant. We tried conceive plus once and got pregnant! Our little one is due in March 2018. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is having trouble conceiving”, Taylor Nichols, Amazon Verified Review, July 2017